Support Education

Protect The Environment



Just wanted to let you know that I have received the Democratic Party nomination for State Representative from Merrimack. I am very grateful for this nomination and look forward to the upcoming campaign!

There are, of course, many issues facing us in New Hampshire but I think there are 3 main issues that we should focus on. 

#1. Education.  There are forces in New Hampshire that want to reduce the school budgets and hire uncertified individuals to teach our children, including my grandchildren. That is unacceptable and we must fight this effort to undermine children’s education!

#2. Environment. The greatest assets of New Hampshire are its majestic Mountains and pristine Lakes. Unfortunately there has been widespread pollution from those forever chemicals (PFAS). We need to identify the polluters and make sure they pay the cost of cleaning up this problem.

#3. Healthcare. The Affordable Care Act has provided millions of Americans with affordable healthcare. There are those who want to reduce or eliminate this benefit that many in New Hampshire have enjoyed. We need to oppose their actions and protect the ACA and all aspects of affordable healthcare, especially women’s healthcare rights.

This campaign will be hard fought and I need your help! If you can, please consider donating to the campaign. You can send a check, payable to GEORGEDIETER4NH, to me at the address below. You can also donate online. Just hit the DONATE button and you will be directed to my Act Blue account.

Thank you very much for your support!

George Dieter

17 Dunstable Circle

Merrimack, New Hampshire 03054